Reaction Paper 3: Approaches to theorizing International Communication II
The second theory I chose to focus on, which is part of the second chapter of the textbook, is the ‘free flow of information’. This concept has emerged post WW2, as a reflection of the Western capitalist ideology. This ideology perceived international communication as a mean of promotion for democratic ideals, free market and freedom of expression. On the contrary, the Marxist ‘side’ commonly promoted state regulated communication, and was said to use communication for propaganda. The concept of ‘free flow of information’ means that the media are part of a liberal, free market economy, and can be sold privately from any owner to any other one. Because of the Western domination over world’s media resources and related capital, the West had also the most to gain from the international implementation of this ideology, and from the commodification of international communication. The ‘free flow of information’ has both a political and an economic dimensions. On one hand, the politica...